Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Importance of Nursery Rhymes for Babies

Let’s speak today about the importance of nursery rhymes for babies. Your speech, full of literary and artistic forms of expression, will necessarily lead not only to the development of a child's language and improve its understanding, but will also contribute to the enrichment of his aesthetic and emotional outlook.

Choosing nursery rhymes

While choosing chants and rhymes for your baby you should keep in mind that it should be a harmonious rhyme that will cause a rich range of aesthetic experience in you. Do not worry if you see that the baby does not understand you. Remember that he sees, hears, feels and absorbs everything like a sponge. He sees your example of attitude to poetry.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

What are Musical Education and Musical Development?

Have you ever asked yourself "What are musical education and musical development? How music influences my baby’s development". In today’s article I want to introduce you to musical education to help you encourage the development of your baby’s musical abilities.

So, musical education is a purposeful shaping of the child’s personality by the impact of music - formation of his interests, needs, aesthetic attitude to an individual.

Musical development is the result of formation of a child during the active musical activities.

And musicality is a number of abilities that help the child manifest himself in different musical activities: listening to music, singing, movements, musical creativity.

The more often your baby communicates with music, the more musical he gets; the more musical he gets, the happier and more welcome are his meetings with it.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Healthy Immune System in Babies

Maintenance and development of healthy immune system in babies is, in my opinion, the major task of parents after providing them with safety, nutrition and love. And what gift could be better than a strong health for the whole life?

Initially, a newborn has a good immune system (provided that pregnancy and childbirth were normal and a child was born healthy and with no abnormalities), which he gets from his mother. When being breastfed, a baby has a strong immune system up to six months. But if a baby is fed baby formula, he starts being ill earlier.

In any case, a baby initially has a strong immune system. The task of parents is at least not to weaken it, or better to boost it greatly. The best way to stimulate the immune system is to constantly train it, i.e. it should be forced to always work (but not with full strength).

To maintain immune system in a constant state of readiness to work against diseases, you can do the following actions:

Put few clothes on your baby. This does not mean that the baby has to feel cold. If the body temperature between the shoulder blades on the back is normal, then the baby is warm, even if his hands and feet are cold. Overheating is more dangerous for babies.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Emotional and Social Child Development Stages

In today’s article I focus on peculiarities of emotional and social child development stages.

Have you noticed how it is interesting to watch the development of your baby? How your little one not just learns something new every day, but also shows in his own way the things he has learned and mastered. In my opinion, emotions are the most fascinating thing your baby is beginning to show while trying to communicate with you.

So let’s talk in details about peculiarities of social and emotional development of your little one within the first year of life.

1 months

• Baby is active for one hour during the day;
• he cries when he needs help;
• calms down when taken in your arms;
• his face looks indifferent and does not express anything when being awake;
• is able to establish eye contact;
• responds to your voice;
• adapts his position in the hands of the person who holds him;
• looks at your face in response to your smile.