Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Father and Child Development

In today’s article we are talking about father and child development. Is father necessary to care of his child or it is only the mother’s duty? How to inspire the father to participate in his baby’s development? Let’s try to find answers to these urgent questions.

Many women often face the fact that their husband is afraid to take the baby in his arms, refuses to stay alone with him, is not able to change a diaper. Being free not to care of his baby,the a father cannot have fun and joy of communicating with the small child and he really believes that the baby needs only the mother and his health and normal development depend only on her. But it is not true! Father‘srole in raising his child is great. His care, education and communication with the baby affect the physical, mental and intellectual development of the child.

A newborn baby learns the world through bodily sensations and he needs physical proximity with both mom and dad. If a child does not know his father's hands, his breath, heartbeat, smell, so when he starts walking and talking, he will perceive the father as a stranger. So it is not worth to postpone communication with the baby until he gets older. It is necessary to begin to get acquainted and communicate with the child long before his birth, and to participate in care of the child from the very beginning. If the father communicates with his child before his birth, the child will then early start recognizing him, setting his eyes on him more often.

If the father is involved in care of the baby from the very first days of his life, the child grows then more independent and self-sustained, he grows up emotionally responsive and sociable person, being less afraid of strangers, better copes with stress, has a good sense of humor, has a higher level of mental and physical development.

What father’s attention gives to the child?

It turns out that the father interacts with the child in absolutely different way than the mother does. Mother takes the child in her arms always the same way, and the father always does in different ways, every time giving his child more new experiences. Mother cares of the baby, feeds him, changes his clothes, soothes him, and the father plays with him expanding the possibilities of development. After all, child’s motor skills, thinking and speaking abilities are being developed in a process of a game; he begins to understand the first words: "take", "go", "give".

If the mother plays gentle and quiet games with the baby and often uses toys, so the father arranges noisy and active games using his own body: he tosses the baby up in the air, rocks him on his knees, places him on his back or shoulders. Children love these games - they relieve tension, give joy, develop quick response and ability to make decisions in complex situations.

When a child faces something unusual: a stranger, a dog, or a new toy, the mother instinctively tries to be close, demonstrating her willingness to help and protect; the father does not interfere, letting the child learn and make friend with the unknown. Thus, the mother protects, and the father gives an opportunity to show independence and take the initiative.

Already in the first months of baby’s life the father, unlike the mother, plays differently with a boy and a girl, encouraging thus the formation of gender identity. Traits of masculinity and femininity are being formed in a child within the first five years of life, and if one of the parents is not involved in child parenting, so problems can arise later.

A child, when raised by both parents, is learning to behave like them. The mother gives protection and unconditional love, and the father teaches to assess the situation the way it is, to cope with the desires, to think logically, to obey the circumstances.

So, how to encourage and involve father in parenting and care of the baby?

Here are simple tips:

-   Let him hold the newborn baby in his arms;

-   Bathe the baby together;

-   Put the naked baby on daddy’s chest;

-   Let the baby sometimes take the father's finger;

-   Do not be afraid to leave the baby with the father;

-   Father can walk, do gymnastics, play with the baby, feed, read stories, etc.

And the main thing is to always remember that a baby needs both Mom and Dad! Be happy!

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